07 April, 2012

Art Matters, Really?
By Sarah Sikandar

It’s not that I have anything against artists or art. It is the very opposite actually. Hitherto, I considered my personal critique of various forms of art quite out-of-the-box. Only to discover lately that my assumption was simply based on naivety and that my understanding of art is not only superficial but fallacious to the core. How, you may ask, did I arrive at this consensus on my aesthetics. Simply by getting up and close with what is universally applauded as genius. Art, for me, is like Shakespearean insult for someone who knows nothing of him. You say ‘Frailty thy name is woman,’ and she’d think you are referring to her frail frame. Read More...


  1. very good.........................

  2. very good.........................


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