
Subject: Online Communication
Course Code:512
Course Outline:-

Basics of computer +internet
 What is online journalism?
Scope and importance of online journalism
 Web journalism/ online journalism in Pakistan
Web resources + Data Basis
Blogs and blog writing
 Blogs layout
 Web writing Styles (Political / Social / Religious & Crime)
Social media networking / virtual community
Cyber laws and ethics

    Subject:  Theories of Communication
Course Code:  3101

Course Objective:-
This course has been designed to enable the students to have a better insight into the concepts and effects of media on individual and society.  On the completion of this course, the students will be able to adopt different media theories in research methodology and designing messages.

Course Outline: -
Mass communication theory – Evolution and Development
Normative theories
Two-step flow of communication
Selective exposure, perception and retention
Cognitive Dissonance theory
Social Learning theory
Diffusion of innovations model
Knowledge gap hypothesis
Social realities versus mediated realities
Attitude and persuasion
Cultivation effects hypothesis
Agenda setting, framing, priming