20 April, 2012

My Veil is Not Your Business

By Madeeha Ishtiaque

Ever came across debates on why or why not to wear jeans, socks or may be shoes? The question might appear to hit the highest point of hilarity, but seriously, the discussion ad nauseam on ‘To wear or not to wear veil’, and what sort of reaction it reaps from different segments of society, has made it a dilemma worst than Hamlet’s and made me wonder what a strange set of specie we are.

Honestly, is that a complex screaming out loud or an agenda to put up or fight off a certain image stereotype of oneself? Where the advocates of liberalism staunchly endorse the idea that what one chooses to wear is purely a matter of personal discretion, and any attempts to impute influence over one’s choice is but a brute breach of privacy, why then we see a spate of articles and blogs cashing in on discussions on repercussions or non-repercussions, wearing a certain garment has on one’s outlook. ... Read More...


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